Tuesday 26 March 2013

Women Status in Society

Well, I start my blog journey with this sensitive topic of status of women in society.

Going back to Vedas time, we had the system where women were bounded by social norms and not allowed to go out in society and do any work.

Time changed,we come to this new era of modern society where women are working equally like men,but,are they still respected the way they should be? Well,Your guess is as good as mine.

Even though we say that gals are safe,working and contribute a lot to the society,but are they really given the respect they deserve. Every day we have a rape/molestation/abuse/eve teasing case reported,and we still feel that gals are respected in society.

Every day,we the men of the society try to molest women in one way or the other and then say that society ain't going wrong. After the Delhi Gangrape incident, the entire country went into a fury and people came on the streets to ask for justice and equality,but have the rapes and molestation cases stopped after such a horrific incident. No,not even a bit has the society changed since.the incident.

It is not the law,but the change in mindset that can bring the freshness in society and change the way we look at girls around us.

Is there a problem in the education system or in the ground roots of upbringing? I guess both have a role to play,as schools are only focused on marks not on training of how to respect women. Isn't teaching sex education in school a need of the hour? I personally think that if sex education is taught in schools,the rate of such cases shall go down in time.

Family as a whole has a major role to play as everything routes through family. The family should be open to talk to their kids about this topic of sex education. The dialogue process should not end between kids and parents as that blocks all possible outcomes.

Most of us remember the time, when an advertisement about awareness on sex education used to come parents used to switch channels,ask kids to do some work and so we pass on the same to our kids. Time has changed and the dialogue process needs to change as well.

Lets hope that going forward we have a dialogue process happening within family and awareness is passed on so that the respect for women increases.

Watch Asmita Theatre's play Dastak, and maybe,it might help You understand what to do when You see some eve teasing happening around You : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZSJNZLa0YU (Part 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thE1Fir4e5A (Part 2)

DO share Your views on my blog.

Till we meet again,This is Amit Shukla signing off

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